Apple reçoit les historiques d’appels des iPhones connectés à iCloud

Apple reçoit les historiques d'appels des iPhones connectés à iCloud

Votre iPhone expédie l’historique de vos appels au service iCloud d’Apple, selon Oleg Afonin, chercheur chez Elcomsoft. Les explications détaillées en Anglais sur Bleeping Computer.

iPhones Send Call History to Apple If You’ve Connected Your iCloud Account

Your iPhone is sending a history of all your calls to Apple’s iCloud service, Oleg Afonin, Elcomsoft researcher has revealed today. For some iPhone users, this wasn’t a secret. Many have figured it out on their own. This is especially true for family members that share an iCloud account on different iPhones. Husbands and wives, brothers and sisters have complained that their call history appears on multiple devices, making it hard to have a private life…

Source : iPhones Send Call History to Apple If You’ve Connected Your iCloud Account