Le blog de Microsoft Office hacké par la SEA | sur Freedom Hacker


Microsoft encore victime d’un piratage de la Syrian Electronic Army. Voici un lien vers un petit post sympa -en Anglais- d’Abel Wike de clickSSL.com pour voir le défaçage du blog de MSOffice.

Microsoft Office Blog hacked by #SEA | sur Freedom Hacker

Microsoft is again on the target of SEA (Syrian Electronic Army). After Microsoft blog attack, this time SEA attacked on Microsoft office blog. Syrian Electronic Army also tweeted on Microsoft office blog with the title “Hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army”. Hackers also posted some screenshots of control panel of Microsoft Office blog and WordPress panel on which hackers posted an article.

The recent attack just arrived after Microsoft revealed that Syrian Electronic Army accessed few employees’ email accounts. Before this attack, SEA was able to attack on the Xbox twitter account, Skype blog, and Skype Twitter account in the beginning of this year.

The SEA group also warned Microsoft about…

Source : Microsoft Office Blog hacked by #SEA – Freedom Hacker