Trading : des infos confidentielles de clients d’AMP découvertes en ligne | via Security Affairs 

Des informations particulièrement sensibles retrouvées prouvent une grosse brèche de sécurité chez AMP

un expert en sécurité découvre en ligne des informations appartenant aux clients de la société de trading AMP (qui opère plusieurs plateformes de courtage telles que AMP Futures). Numéro de sécurité sociale, pièces d’identité, relevés de compte, etc, ont été piratés suite à une mauvaise configuration d’un système tiers de backup.

Expert discovered online data belonging to the trading firm AMP | via Security Affairs

Security expert Chris Vickery reported a data breach at online trading firm AMP that exposed customer credit reports, and Social Security numbers.

The popular security expert Chris Vickery has discovered a new data breach that affected the AMP online trading firm that exposed thousands of files, including credit reports, passport scans, and customer chat logs. This specific incident is notable for the amount of money that passes through AMP’s systems. “I’ve come across several finance-related data breaches within the past few weeks, most recently involving the AMP Futures trading platform.” wrote the expert in a blog post

Source : Expert discovered online data belonging to the trading firm AMP – Security AffairsSecurity Affairs