Voici une menace qui monte, qui monte… Selon la X-Force d’IBM, Trickbot, un cheval de Troie, cible les banques privées, d’affaires ou d’investissement et frappe déjà en GB, Australie et Allemagne.
TrickBot is a rising threat, the banking Trojan now targets Private Banking | via Security Affairs
According to a new analysis conducted by the IBM’s X-Force security team, a new wave of attacks powered by the TrickBot banking Trojan have been targeting private banks in the UK, Australia, and Germany.
The researchers observed new redirection attacks focused on new brands, including private banks, private wealth management firms, investment banking, and a retirement insurance and annuity company.“operators of the infamous Trojan have been adding new redirection attacks focused on a list of brands that I had never seen in the past.” states the analysis published by IBM.
Source : TrickBot is a rising threat, the banking Trojan now targets Private BankingSecurity Affairs