13000 compte-clients piratés dans une clinique de Virginie

Une clinique dermatologique de Virginie (USA) annonce à ses clients qu'un piratage vient de crypter leurs données patients

Une clinique dermatologique de Virginie (USA) annonce à ses clients qu’un piratage vient de crypter leurs données patients. 13 000 dossiers ont été chiffrés par les pirates qui espèrent obtenir une rançon. Les données cryptées contiennent noms, adresses, numéros de sécurité sociale, factures, etc | Healthcare IT News

Ransomware attack on dermatology office breaches more than 13,000 patient records

The Reston, Virginia provider said patient protected health information and financial data was compromised by unauthorized third parties outside of the U.S.

Reston, Virginia-based Professional Dermatology Care reported that an unauthorized third party accessed protected health information and financial data of 13,237 of its patients.

The cybercriminals encrypted the patient data with ransomware, intending to extract money from the healthcare organization According to officials, the breach was not to ‘misuse patient data.’ The incident occurred between June 19 and 27 this year, when PDC officials discovered the breach.

The stolen data included patient names, addresses, dates of birth, social security numbers, Medicare identification numbers and medical and billing records, according to a statement from PDC…

Source : Ransomware attack on dermatology office breaches more than 13,000 patient records | Healthcare IT News