La Russie attaquerait le réseau d’énergie des états baltes | via Security Affairs

Des attaques quotidiennes en déni de service (DDoS)

Une vague de cyberattaques contre les réseaux énergétiques des états baltes inquiète l’OTAN. Il s’agirait de hackers soutenus par l’état Russe qui testeraient les capacités de défense des pays voisins.

Alleged Russian state-sponsored hackers behind Baltic energy networksSecurity Affairs | via

A wave of cyber attacks against the Baltic energy networks raised concerns that foreign states could disable them in the region.

A wave of “exploratory” cyber attacks targeted energy networks of the Baltic states, the NATO alliance is following with apprehension the events. Baltic attacks raised concerns that foreign states could disable the energy networks in the region. Experts suspect the involvement of a Russian state actor due to strategic interest of Russia in the states the are on the political front line between Russia and the West. NATO members Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are members of the European Union plan to synchronize their grids with the EU…

Source : Alleged Russian state-sponsored hackers behind Baltic energy networksSecurity Affairs